Serving Opportunities

Kitchen Help:
Kitchen help arrives at 7:30 am to help prepare the meal. This could include cutting fruits and vegetables, mixing pancake mix or eggs for french toast, roasting potato/vegetable mixture, frying pancakes or french toast, cooking bacon or sausages, etc. Coffee is made at 7:30 am.

Set Up:
Tables and chairs are set up at about 8 am.

Servers serve the food from a steam table with chafer trays to the guests. There is always one person responsible for making and maintaining the coffee/juice and condiments.

Dishes are done as needed, with a commercial dishwasher, with the exception of large pans. Tables are washed as need and tables and Chairs are put away starting at 10:30. After the tables and chairs are put away, floors are swept and washed.

The Alpha program starts at 9 am with those guests attending Alpha being served breakfast first and then going into a separate room.

Table Leaders:
Table leaders are responsible for leading the discussion after watching the video. During the meal, they are responsible for initiating conversation between the guests at their table. Table leaders need to be aware of a weekend retreat about halfway through the program that they are encouraged to attend.

Financial Support
The Bridge of Chilliwack depends on churches, community groups and individuals to meet the needs of those we serve. We are a registered charitable organization and can issue receipts for tax purposes at the end of the year.

If you are interested in serving in any of these areas, please contact us:

Phone:      604-793-5392
Mail:         The Bridge of Chilliwack
                   PO Box 517
                   Chilliwack, BC    V2P 7V5